The Kiwanis Club of Plainfield is Hosting a Business Scavenger Hunt. Each participant pays $10 to play.
Participants start the Scavenger Hunt in the meeting room at Brew Link. .
Each participant is given a bag and a list of hints to find each business
The participant figures out the clue, drives to a local business, walks inside, and gets a promotional item.
All participants meet back at Brew Link to receive door prizes and an after party.
Chick-fil-A will be doing a dine to donate from 6 am – 10 pm that day. Be sure to stop by before the Scavenger Hunt (or during) and mention KIWANISHUNT.
This will help the children of Hendricks County by donating to this amazing event!
Join the Hunt by signing up here:
This is a fun filled evening that will raise funds to support the Plainfield Chapter of Kiwanis, a community-based organization with an emphasis on helping the children of Hendricks County.
Registration: 2:00 – 3:00
Hunt: 3:00 – 6:00
Last Stop/Door Prizes: 6:00 – 7:00